Our Mission:
Healing Lives, Inspiring Hope, Glorifying God.
Our Vision:
We are a growing, expansive, family-oriented, multi-cultural church with a heart for the community and a commitment to the teaching of the Word of God, advancement of the Kingdom and the belief that healthy families create healthy churches that create healthy societies, that we possess and must share the hope of Christ the world desperately needs and that our purpose is to exalt God in all that we do in worship, service, and living.
Core Values
We believe that Christians are excited about Jesus Christ and are led by the Spirit to study the Word of God and boldly share the Gospel.
We believe that teaching and learning the Word of God completes and equips people to do ministry.
We believe that God is generous with His gifts of time, talent, and treasure. In gratitude, we cultivate, share and return what we have received.
We believe that we are servants of Christ who willingly and lovinigly care for others.